
Exercise As If Your Life Depends On It

September 6, 2017  by Dr. Suki Munsell

My father exercised his whole life until a severe car accident at age 70. The antibiotic he took to save him destroyed his inner ear equilibrium — to prevent feeling dizzy, he had to hold his head very still. No tennis, no golf, no dancing. He became deeply depressed and lost his zest for life. His muscles began to wither and the gaunt look of death spread across his face.

Longer summer days with balmy evenings are perfect for after dinner walks

July 5, 2017  by Dr. Suki Munsell

Russell and I recently resumed evening walks and love the benefits. We suggested to Simone and Thorsten Kopitzki, students and Harbor Point neighbors, that they try it.  “Walking every night is a good way to balance my stressful office work," Simone said. "I’ve improved my balance and

Ankle Exercise for Healthy Aging – and Why to Thank Your Ankles

April 1, 2017  by Dr. Suki Munsell

When we stop to appreciate a body part, we often think of the heart, brain, or the lungs. But where would we be without our ankles? Just where we’re seated right now! Yet, our ankles play a vital role in active aging.

Coincidentally, several days before a skin melanoma was diagnosed near my right ankle, I wrote this thank you note.

When To Buy New Shoes – Analyze Your Shoes To Discover The Secrets In Your Soles

July 1, 2016  by Dr. Suki Munsell

Did you know... If you live to age 80, walking an average of 7,500 steps a day, you’re estimated to walk five times around the earth! That's 216,262,500 steps in a lifetime!

Tags:  Walking

Why Walking is Good Medicine

March 1, 2016  by Dr. Suki Munsell

Perhaps you've noticed that our health care systems are slowly turning towards prevention and common sense approaches to wellness? The benefits of walking is part of the reason!

Tags:  Walking